Should You Take Your Part-Time Business Full Time? Now that you're a part-time success, here's what you need to think about before going full time.
Does all work and no play make entrepreneurship no fun? Someentrepreneurs who run part-time businesses based on hobbies, suchas crafts or cooking, find that going full time takes all the funout of the venture. "Going full time turns an adventure into ajob," as business expert Arrnold Sanow puts it.
"Some entrepreneurs have trouble grasping the fact thattheir businesses aren't just pastimes anymore," sayshomebased business consultant Sylvia Landman. "They can'twork at their leisure any longer, and their ventures may requirethem to develop talents they didn't know they had and performtasks they'd rather leave to someone else."
Don't get so caught up in the creative aspects of theventure, Landman warns, that you lose sight of the businessresponsibilities you must assume to make your start-up succeed.Take a realistic look at what going full time will require. Perhapsyou can hire people to handle the business aspects you dislike,such as sales or operations.
Excerpted from Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up BookYou'll Ever Need