Need a Business Idea? The Best Way to Find One Is to Stop Looking. Instead, go about your normal routine and figure out how you can improve your own life.
On this Entrepreneur Network video, Entrepreneur magazine cover man Gary Vaynerchuk stops by the offices to talk about how to find your next great idea. The key? Don't just lock yourself in your room and try to come up with an idea no one has ever thought of. Instead, live your life and find something that bothers you. Then, figure out how to fix that problem, and you have a business.
Once you have your idea, make sure you don't hold onto a premise while trying to make it perfect. Every business changes, but you can't get it off the ground unless you start somewhere.
By following just those two tips -- by looking for problems in your everyday life then actively creating solutions -- you'll already be well ahead of the curve and on your way to creating something special.
Related: Watch Gary Vaynerchuk Drop In -- and Drop Knowledge -- at Entrepreneur?
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