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The Fine Art of Raising Your Prices Prepare yourself for the harrowing "raise" conversation so you can get paid what you're worth.

It beats the heck out of me why homebased business owners havesuch a tough time asking for a raise.

After all, aren't we made of sturdier stuff? Didn't westride confidently into a new career where most other mere mortalsfear to tread? Are we bold risk-takers? Relentless opportunitygrabbers? Fearless taskmasters?

Well, yeah. But why do our once-proud spines turn to Jell-O whenit comes to asking clients for a raise? Some homebasedprofessionals I know say they don't want to rock the boat andrisk losing a client over a 10-percent raise. Others say they needmore experience first; then they can bring a stronger case to thebargaining table. All I know is my wife-bless her dearheart-suggested one day with all the subtlety of a jackhammerthat I ASK FOR MORE MONEY NOW!

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