This Website Wants to Make Planning Your Next Trip Quick and Painless Grace Lee founded Wishpoint so people could share their travel experiences and tips.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. editors sat down with a number of entrepreneurs at Propeller Fest to listen and critique their business pitches. Each entrepreneur had 60 seconds to answer what problem their startup looks to solve and why the best person to solve it.
Grace Lee is the CEO and founder of Wishpoints Inc. As an avid traveler, friends often asked Lee for trip advice. She would spend hours putting together information for them, so she thought of a better way. She created Wishpoints -- a web and mobile platform that lets users create and share travel experiences and wishlists. It allows users to see where their friends have traveled, where they want to go and see their advice and any recommendations.
In hopes to reduce the amount of time people spend researching and planning trips, users are able to rely on friends for referrals and in turn, get paid to travel.
The startup also promotes local businesses and acts as a "virtual reality travel hunt for hidden gems and local favorites," Lee says.
Learn more about Wishpoints by watching Lee pitch's News Director Stephen Bronner.