Bitcoin: Page 7

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

New to cryptocurrencies? The Mexican platform Bitso can help you

Bitso a digital exchange platform that allows its users to buy and sell digital currencies with each other. That is, a supply and demand system that takes you by the hand.

News and Trends

Crypto Platform OWN Raises $2 Million In Seed Funding Round

With the funding, OWN (One World Nation) aims to build the first NFT-based play to earn game on crypto markets

Business News

Goldman Sachs Makes History With First-Ever OTC Crypto Trade

The trade was made with crypto merchant bank Galaxy Digital.


Goldman Sachs hace historia con el primer comercio de criptomonedas OTC

El intercambio se realizó con el banco comercial de criptomonedas Galaxy Digital.

Business News

Bitcoin Skyrockets After Biden Sign Executive Order to Regulate Crypto

The legislature is the first of its kind.


Joe Biden ordena la creación de un proyecto para analizar la posibilidad de lanzar un dólar digital

El presidente de los Estados Unidos ordena la creación de un proyecto para analizar los beneficios y riesgos de una moneda digital.


5 cosas que debe saber antes de invertir en criptomonedas

Antes de invertir, hay una lista de verificación de diligencia debida.

Money & Finance

5 Things to Know Before You Invest in Cryptocurrency

Before one invests, there is a due diligence checklist.

Business News

Bitcoin Plummets Below $40,000 as Tensions Between Russia, Ukraine Escalate

The coin dropped over 6% early Tuesday morning.


Los temores de los cambios de política de la Fed envían enormes pérdidas en el mercado de criptomonedas

Bitcoin ahora está valorado en alrededor de la mitad de sus máximos de mercado de noviembre.

Business News

Fears of the Fed's Policy Changes Send Huge Losses in the Cryptocurrency Market

Bitcoin is now valued at around half of its November market highs.