Ukraine: Page 2

Business News

Shell Rakes in $9.1 Billion in First Quarter. What Does It Mean for the Rising Cost of Living?

Shell reported record high earnings of $9.13 billion in the first quarter of 2022, prompting action from lawmakers to impose higher taxes on gas companies to aid those struggling amidst rising prices.

Operations & Logistics

Why the Ukraine Crisis Should Make You Rethink How You Lead

Crises are never easy, but they can be especially difficult when you don't know what to do. In these moments, it's critical that leaders step up and take charge.

Business News

Inflation Jumps to 8.5% in March, Fastest Climb in 40 Years

An ongoing storm of supply chain constraints, consumer demand and overseas conflict is causing inflation to rise at the fastest rate since 1981.

Social Media

Angry Russian Influencers Destroy Chanel Bags After Brand Restrictions

The company announced that it will stop selling its products to Russian citizens who intend to bring them to their country. The move unleashed fury.

Business News

Pink Floyd presents a new song using the voice of a singer who is fighting in Ukraine

He is Andriy Khlynuyk, vocalist of the band BoomBox, who sang a nationalist song before leaving for the front.

Business News

Mixed martial arts athlete Yaroslav Amosov recovers his championship belt from the rubble in Irpin, Ukraine

The belt that accredits the athlete's championship was protected by his mother in a bomb shelter.

Business News

Faced with the shortage of electronic components Lada, the Russian car brand, will return to manufacture mechanical vehicles

A Croatian media outlet assures that the lack of semiconductors and electronic components forces the company to manufacture its cars they way it did in the 1990s.


Anti-Russia Sentiment Is Fueling Harassment, Bias and Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to De-Escalate Team Tension and Save Your Company Culture

The war in Ukraine has stirred up conflict among coworkers along with unfair bias against employees of Russian descent. However are a few steps to take to calm tensions and get everyone back on track during these turbulent times.

Business News

The Ukraine Crisis Hits Close to Home for Silicon Valley, and Tech Execs Aren't Wasting Time: 'They're Thinking Like a Startup, Which Allows Them to Move Faster'

Ukrainian-American venture capitalist and Worklife founder Brianne Kimmel discusses her company's involvement with relief efforts, including an offer to evacuate thousands of Ukrainian engineers, and how other companies can make the most of their resources to help those in need.

Business News

Chaos, Loathing and Tech: How the War in Ukraine Hit U.S. Immigrant Entrepreneurs

When Russia invaded Ukraine, many tech companies were caught up in the chaos -- and now they're dealing with the fallout. Some U.S. startups, too, became unlikely casualties of war.


"Stop Z", the Ukrainian marketing campaign to remove the letter Z from the world's logos

Can you imagine what the Amazon logo would look like without a Z? A Ukrainian agency is asking big brands to stop using the font in their logos until the war is over.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Ukraine launches NFTs that portray the timeline of the conflict with Russia

The original project shows the main events of the war in NFT's that will be released day by day.

Business News

Now Russia blocks access to Google News

The service that compiles content from various media is blocked after Google's announcement that it does not allow the monetization of content that exploits or ignores the war.

Business News

Evgeny Rylov, the Russian Olympic champion loses his sponsor for supporting Vladimir Putin

After confirming that the swimmer attended an event wearing the letter "Z" on his uniform, Speedo announced that it will no longer sponsor him.

Business News

Faced with pressure, Nestlé stops selling KitKat and Nesquik in Russia

To this day, the company continues to sell essential foods, although it has stopped all its investments, imports and exports to Russian territory.