investigation: Page 3


Kickstarter Hires Journalist to Investigate Campaign That Failed to Deliver to Backers

The Zano crowdfunding campaign raised $3.6 million to make mini drones that take pictures and video. Some drones were delivered, but overwhelmingly, backers did not get the rewards they expected.

Business News

Are the 'Wall Street Journal's' Claims Against Theranos Accurate?

Fortune's Roger Parloff spoke with the general counsel at Theranos to investigate claims made in a recent 'Wall Street Journal' article. Here's what he discovered.

Business News

EU to Investigate Transparency of Google, Microsoft and Yahoo

The investigation is expected to take place next year, but a strategy document has already been drafted.


Learn the Valuable Lesson of Curiosity

An entrepreneur spells out three ways to mine intelligence in business, based on his friend CEO and former quarterback Fran Tarkenton.