Retirement: Page 4

Business News

What to Do Before Cashing Out a 401K

A 401K is an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan that employees can contribute to pre-tax, thus reducing their annual tax liability. Some employers also contribute to the account as a benefit...


How to Start Thinking About Retirement Before You Plan to Retire

When my husband told me he was planning to retire and was not worried about it, I wondered if I should be.

Business News

This U.S. City Is One of the Most Desirable Places to Retire — and No, It's Not in Florida

A recent ranking conducted by Moody's Analytics broke down the top spots for retirees.

Business News

'Not Much Financial Education' — Yet Millennials Have Boomers and Gen X Beat When It Comes to Retirement Savings. Here's Why.

Millennials might own fewer homes and make less money — but they're on track for a better retirement.

Business News

These Great-Grandparents Booked 51 Back-to-Back Cruises Because It's 'Cheaper Than a Retirement Home'

Retirees Marty and Jess Ansen hopped on a cruise ship nearly two years ago and never left.

Business News

54 Funny Retirement Gifts That Will Make Everyone Laugh

Retirement is a time to celebrate! You’ve worked hard for years, and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The question is, what do you get the...

Business News

Why You Should Consider Delayed Retirement or Phased Retirement

Retirement is a chapter in life often synonymous with relaxation, leisurely pursuits, and a well-earned break from the daily grind. Yet, as the world evolves, so does how we approach...

Business News

Retirement Abroad: How to Pick the Best International Retirement Destinations

You've worked hard your whole life. And if you're like many people, you dream of the day you can start your carefree retirement. But to have a carefree retirement, you...

Business News

How to Accelerate Your Retirement Goals With Little Money

Accelerating your retirement goals with less money might sound like a tall order. However, in actuality, it’s an achievable objective. You just need to learn the right strategies, discipline, and...

Business News

Some Retirees Are More Likely to Face This 'Life-Destroying' Event — Here's How to Keep Your Savings Safe No Matter What

About 55% of Americans believe they're behind on retirement savings, and some common curveballs can exacerbate the situation.

Business News

10,000 Boomers Retire Every Day, and Social Security Won't Last. Will You Get Lucky or Be One of the 'Losers'? Find Out Here.

Americans on average have saved only 78% of the amount they'll need in retirement.

Business News

All You Need to Know About State-Run Auto-IRA Programs

Almost half of private sector workers in the United States do not have access to employer sponsored retirement plans. This is one of the factors contributing to the large number...

Business News

Should Kids Financially Support Their Parents When They Retire?

Modern Western society has expectations when it comes to retirement. Ideally, couples of retirement age should have a large enough nest egg to support them in their twilight years, meaning...

Business News

Retirement Planning for Late Starters: Making the Most of Your Golden Years

As the old saying goes, "better late than never." But, that’s not always true. In some cases, a missed opportunity is better than one taken precipitously or haphazardly. However, when...