Co-founders: Page 8
Avoid These 3 Big Mistakes I Made as a First-Time Entrepreneur
A lawyer turned technology startup founder found out about these lessons the hard way.
Maybe You Should Send Your Co-Founder a Valentine This Year
There are many similarities between finding your one-true love and finding a business partner compatible for the long haul.
13 Tips to Create the Perfect Partnership
Creating the perfect partnership takes understanding, significant effort and above all a sincere desire to make it work.
Before You Bring a Co-Founder on Board, Ask These 5 Questions
Our expert this week discusses how entrepreneurs can test out a potential partner before going all in.
Stuck at the Idea Phase? These 6 Collaboration Avenues Can Help.
Working with others on a project is one of the most effective ways to move an idea forward.
Thinking of Going Solo? 7 Reasons You Need a Co-Founder.
There are few decisions in business that are more important than deciding whether you'll 'go it alone' or team up.
Why Ben Picked Jerry
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield launched the legendary ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry's in 1978. And they're still friends today.
The Critical Process of Identifying the Right Co-Founder
There's no easy formula for success and sometimes only time will tell if a business leader has made a good choice.
Gilt Groupe Co-Founder: The 5 Secrets of Super Successful Founder Relationships
Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, co-founder of Gilt Groupe and new beauty service app Glamsquad, reveals what it takes to build a productive and harmonious founding team.
4 Types of Apps That Never Succeed
If you're launching an app-based business, stay clear of these problems that will sink your startup.
Coke Is Luring Experienced Entrepreneurs to Create New Startups
In Coca-Cola's new platform for entrepreneurs, Coke brings the money and the cachet, while startups (hopefully) help the soda giant reach new markets down the road.
5 Things to Do Before Saying 'I Do' to a Business Partner
When you meet a potential partner your personalities may click and your goals may be identical, but to have a successful relationship, clarity is key.
How Two Entrepreneurial Jetsetters Stay Grounded at 30,000 Feet
Traveling the country can be a challenge for co-founders. But here's how this pair makes the traveling part work.
Coax the Right Tech Nerd to Partner With at Your Startup
If you have business savvy but lack technical skills, bring in a technologist to strengthen your leadership.
The 3 Essential Things Needed in a Founders' Agreement
While your relationship with your co-founder may be peachy right now, there is a possibility it could turn sour down the road. To protect yourself (and the company), make sure these three areas are covered in your founders' agreement.