Freelance: Page 4

Starting a Business

6 Popular Services to Sell as a Brand Consultant

These services each offer customers a look into their brand and how it performs against its competitors.

Starting a Business

The Pros and Cons of Starting an Online Consulting Business

Here's a closer look at the upside and downside of consulting. Find out if it's a good fit for you.


9 Lessons I Learned From Ditching My 9-to-5 to Work for Myself

Developing new skills I never thought I would, saying no to clients that aren't a good fit and being 'on' even when I'm 'off' are just a few adjustments of full-time freelance life.

Starting a Business

How to Manage Clients When You Own a Freelance Graphic Design Business

Expert advice to help you keep your clients happy and get the job done to their satisfaction

Starting a Business

Getting and Managing Clients for Your Freelance Writing Business

Find out where to locate clients and how to work with them once you have them.

Starting a Business

3 Ways to Price Your Work for Your Freelance Writing Business

Smart tips for setting the best rates in order to help your freelance writing business succeed

Starting a Business

The Pros and Cons of Starting an Online Freelancing Business

It may be one of the fastest ways to make money online, but is it for you? Weigh the pros and cons to decide.