keeping a journal

Thought Leaders

Positivity is Provocative — 3 Ways to Embrace Optimism in a Negative World

How practicing gratitude, releasing negative people from your life and allowing yourself to dream again can reignite your passion for entrepreneurship.


Journal Your Way to Success With These 9 Essential Elements

We've all heard that writing in a journal every day can transform your life. But what are you supposed to be journaling about?

Growing a Business

20 Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts to Help With Your Success

How putting pen to paper can fast-track your personal growth.

Thought Leaders

4 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Tell Their Stories in Real Time

The co-founder of Biograph explains why you need to tell your company/professional tale now, instead of waiting until you're a big deal.

Growing a Business

Could a Journal Be The Next Productivity Game-Changer?

Self-reflection might make or break your chances of success.


The Only Task List That Guarantees You'll Get Everything Done

Scrap your typical to-do and check in on your overall well-being.


How Journaling Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur and Leader

The most important words you write are ones no one will ever read.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

You are far likelier to have a creative breakthrough cleaning your house than watching TV.

Thought Leaders

8 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

How you live and work each day is the foundation of your success.

Thought Leaders

Let's Forget About Morning Routines for a Second and Talk About Finishing Strong

Success isn't about how you's about how you finish.


The Unusual Morning Routines That Set Successful Founders Apart

How well you sleep and the state of mind you create at the beginning of the day have a lot to do with how much you'll accomplish.


Everybody Says to Work Smarter. Here Are 4 Ways to Do It.

Focusing on what you actually got done rather than boasting of how many hours you spent working is a good start.

Growing a Business

These Blunders Cost Me an Entire Year of My Life

Time passes whether you're spinning your wheels or moving forward.

Growing a Business

These 5 Mindful Habits Will Keep You From Burning Out

Say no, except to playing. Always say yes to play time.


15 Ways to Master the Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Life

Habits are powerful, for good or ill.