Leadership strategies: Page 2


10 Behaviors of Real Leaders

Leaders lead. Followers follow. You can't do both. That's not opinion; it's biology.


4 Reasons Why Founders Should Experience Different Roles in Their Company

Learning to empathize with your employees is just one reason why you should experience everything from the mail room on up.


Should You Lead the Company You Started?

A brief three-rule guide to determine if you're the right person to steer your company.


Why You Have to Get Better at Saying 'No'

If your people-pleasing ways are hurting your business and productivity, it's time to rethink your strategy.


To Build Trust as a Leader, Inspire With Words Backed by Action

Your team listens to what you say but they understand what you mean by watching what you do.


3 Types of Leadership Strategies That Distinguish Outstanding Entrepreneurs

Be familiar with all varieties as you may need to adapt your management style to better deal with unexpected situations.


Go for Chess Not Checkers When Running a Business

Whether it's detective work, coaching or entrepreneurship, the best people are playing chess while the rest are playing checkers.


8 Smart Leadership Strategies Most CEOs Forget to Use

To create change, influence others and drive success, develop skills that will earn you admiration, respect and trust.