Tattoos: Page 2

Business News

Attack Drones, a Smelly Smartphone App and a Smart Paper Airplane-Jet

A roundup of the 10 most interesting new technologies that make us scratch our heads and say, 'What the heck?'


Say What!? Google Might Be Working on a Lie-Detecting Microphone Throat Tattoo

Yes, the tech geniuses at Google are at it again.

Science & Technology

A Digital 'Tattoo' You Can Only See With a Smartphone

Thinking about getting some ink under your skin? Maybe consider this instead.


When a Tattoo Equals a Lawsuit

T-shirts and tattoos might be more common in the workplace, but keep these four do's and don'ts in mind to avoid potential problems.

Business Ideas

If It's Broke, Decorate It

This entrepreneur fell off her bike and into a successful business.

Business News

Yellow Man: Skin Deep

This clothing entrepreneur wears his heart--and his art--on his sleeve.

Business News

Tricks, Tats and a Comeback

Get a glimpse into the life of Carey Hart--motocross pro and tattooed business owner.

Business News

Bad Rap

Has your industry got an image problem? Here's how to cope.


Hey, Good Lookin'!

Every customer's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed salesperson.

Business News

A Glass Act

Who says art and business don't mix?