Statistics: Page 2


The Freelancing Economy Has Seen Epic Growth

Millions have said goodbye to their nine to fives.

Business News

Study: Americans Are Ditching Home Internet for Mobile

Roughly 20 percent of people already rely on a phone's connection alone.

Business News

Uber Rejects Talk of 'Thousands' of Sexual Assault Reports

Reportedly, there were "fewer than" 170 complaints of sexual assault between December 2012 and August 2015.

Business News

50 Facts That the Politicians Aren't Discussing About Americans' Finances

How long will the pols from both parties get away with lying to us?


You Can Succeed Even If You're Not the Brainy Type

In the entrepreneurial world, a whole lot of skills matter more than pure book smarts.

Business Ideas

5 Reasons Why Online Entrepreneurs Need to Look Beyond the Numbers

Any business can buy an enormous pseudo-following. Focus on establishing a personal connection with customers and all the numbers that matter will grow.

Starting a Business

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics About Entrepreneurs

A refreshingly objective perspective on what it takes for startups and small businesses to make it and the percentage that actually do.


9 Online Ad Campaign Stats You Must Track

To know whether it's successful--or just a waste of time and money--you have to track the following 9 statistics of your online marketing efforts.

Growing a Business

The Data-Driven Company That Accomplished Very Little

Yet another study becomes a postponing tactic. Consider if your organization calls for additional research as a stalling maneuver or image preservation.

Starting a Business

Why Businesses Fail: A Data Expert Explains It All

Data scientist Thomas Thurston uses algorithms to understand the common traits between businesses that fail and succeed. Turns out, experience is only a small factor, and the best products can actually backfire.


Harry Potter By the Numbers

With the final movie installment only hours away, we break down some of the most interesting numbers associated with the epic franchise.

Business Ideas

Two Weeks to Startup: Day 2. Research Your Business Idea

Carving out a niche in the marketplace is crucial to survival. Here's how to evaluate your chances of success.