Behavior: Page 5

Business News

Evolution: Why Are Most of Us Right-Handed?

Right-handed people are dominant worldwide -- but why?

Health & Wellness

10 Healthy Snacks to Curb Your Appetite

You strategize your business and marketing, so why not your snacking? Eating habits directly affect energy, focus and motivation. So get your strategic snacking plan in gear.

Making a Change

How to Stay Motivated During the Summer

Hot, hazy weather doesn't mean your business should take a vacation.

Business News

The Proven, Reasonable and Totally Unsexy Way to Become More Successful

Changing human behavior is often considered to be one of the hardest things to do in business and in life. Yet, there is a very reliable way that human behavior changes over the long-term.

Social Media

The Psychology Behind Why We Like, Share and Comment on Facebook (Infographic)

Here's why you click 'like' you like mean it.


Life Without Smartphones Is Hard to Imagine, According to Nearly Half of U.S. Smartphone Users

A recent Gallup poll provides insight into the sneaky, vital and constant ways the devices have come to shape the way we live.

Science & Technology

Binge-Watching Is Our New Normal

The practice of mainlining shows is becoming increasingly acceptable, although it's still an activity that incites complicated emotions, a new study suggests.


Music to Marketers' Ears: Americans Don't Totally Hate Waiting On Hold

Hold the phone. We're more patient than you think, especially if marketers pull these tricks.

Business News

This Personality Trait Predicts Your Tendency to Lie and Cheat

Employers might want to start testing for honesty and humility before hiring or promoting people.


Don't Screw Up a Meeting By Making One of These 7 Mistakes

Advance homework and preparation is key to every good first impression.

Thought Leaders

10 Behaviors of Unstoppable Entrepreneurs

What do successful business owners do that others don't?

Business News

What Warren Buffett Told a 7th-Grader Who Asked for His Advice

It had nothing to do with good grades or eating all of your vegetables.


6 Behaviors People in Business Loathe

If you find yourself doing any of these things, you really should stop -- right now.

Business News

Proceed With Caution: Should Smartphones Come With a Warning?

A recent study from the University of Derby recommends that consumers be given fair warning about the potential addictive properties of mobile devices.


10 Behaviors of Genuine People

In a world of phony fads, media hype, virtual personas, and personal brands, being genuine is becoming an endangered quality.