Mobile Payments: Page 3

Science & Technology

Why the Company That Figures Out Frictionless Payments Will Dominate the Tech Industry

The next few years are when 'invisible' payments will really proliferate, touching almost every type of everyday financial transaction.


Here's Why You Must Hang On To Your Digital Wallets

Pushing for a cashless society can be counterproductive to economies which aren't ready for it

Business News

Is Ukraine on the Way to Becoming Cashless?

In the first six months of this year, the number of cashless transactions spiked in the country.

Science & Technology

China's Great Leap Forward in Global Mobile Payments

Paradoxically, it was the country's reluctance to adopt conventional banking that led to almost universal adoption of mobile payments.

Business News

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Mobile Payments

The evolution of money looks like this: barter, coins, paper, plastic and now, phones.


Will Bahrain-based PayTabs be able to Facilitate India's Small and Medium Merchants?

In India, PayTabs has its offices in Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai and is currently focusing to expand its market in the B2B segment

Money & Finance

6 Trends Impacting the Future of Payments

Blockchain. Cryptocurrencies. Mobile payments: The internet of things: Fintech has sure got its hands full.

Operations & Logistics

6 Hacks for Getting Clients to Pay You Faster

Almost everybody pays eventually but almost nobody pays sooner than they have to. That's a problem.


3 Steps to Build the Next Great App

Even online, you get one chance to make a good first impression. Your mobile storefront has to meet user expectations the first time.

Business News

The Future of Mobile Payments for Small Business Owners

Today, 95 percent of Americans own a cellphone and 77 percent of those are smartphones. Mobile phone users will likely climb to almost 5 billion by 2020.


#5 Key Features of Tez App That Will Attract all Entrepreneurs

The cash-mode feature enables payment to another Tez user without having to share bank account details or phone number

Growing a Business

15 Surprising Benefits of Mobile Invoicing

Making payment easy for customers increases sales, encourages people to pay bills sooner and lowers your costs.

Business Ideas

9 Crucial Tips to Protect Your Small Business From Credit Card Fraud

Vigilance and readily available security tools can keep fraud losses to a minimum.

Growing a Business

What the Global Marketplace Can Teach U.S. Entrepreneurs About the Future of Payments

The world is already using payment tech that will disrupt American businesses next.