Performance Feedback


Tough Feedback Can Really Sting. Here's How to Take It With Grace and Turn It Into Power.

When we receive tough feedback, our first inclination is usually to recoil. But, if you follow these five steps, you'll enjoy receiving critical feedback more than ever before.


How to Transform Your Management and Leadership Style With 360 Reviews

The potential impact that a 360 review has on an organization depends on the quality of the feedback and the insights it provides.

Business News

How to Give Constructive Feedback That Actually Empowers Others

Learn how feedback can transform even negative situations into opportunities for growth-characterize feedback as a catalyst for progress.

Starting a Business

Why Creating a Culture of Feedback is Vital to Business Survival

Startups operate in a constantly evolving environment where adapting and improving are essential. Feedback is an important tool for startups to achieve this. It helps increase productivity, improve decision-making and create stronger teams in a fast-paced environment.

Growing a Business

How to Handle Negative Feedback Before It Handles You

As leaders, we all get negative feedback — it's what we do with it that matters.


6 Steps to Offering Tough Feedback, and Why It's a Crucial Skill for Every Leader

Set an example for communication and progress you want to see in your organization..


4 Things Leaders Misunderstand About Performance Reviews

Workers crave feedback, but feedback loops often go wrong.

Business News

Gen Z Brings a Whole New Dynamic to the Workforce

Just when you figured out the millennials, here comes a new wave of changes.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Efficiently Ensure Employee Engagement

Your time is precious, but your employees need it to align their efforts with your expectations. Give it to them, the smart way.


Stop Calling It 'Coaching' When All You're Really Doing Is Scolding Your Team

Constructive criticism is perhaps the most important and least common leadership skill.


5 Ways to Give Feedback That Inspires People to Grow, Not Shrink.

Feedback done wrong is worse than saying nothing.


6 Tips for Hearing Tough Feedback

Feedback is the breakfast of champions -- but you have to be able to hear the message and choose to act on it.

Growing a Business

10 Ways to Appeal to the Next Wave of Workers: Generation Z

Flexible scheduling and open feedback loops build trust with incoming employees. Companies shouldn't be surprised if older workers appreciate those changes, too.

Growing a Business

You Only Get Better With Feedback

Unless somebody tells you what you're doing right and wrong, you're going to have a tough time deciding what to do more and what to stop doing altogether.


Stop Avoiding It: 4 Tips for Delivering Tough Feedback

Feedback can motivate people and teams to move beyond the status quo, but only if it's actually delivered.