Hiring Tips: Page 9

Resumes & Interviewing

I've Interviewed and Hired Thousands of People. Here's What to Keep in Mind Before Offering the Job.

Standing up unapologetically for your company's culture will help you zero in on mismatches that could become liabilities later.

Business News

4 Ways Diversity Is Directly Linked to Profitability

Recruiting employees from different backgrounds is the surest way to stay competitive.

Resumes & Interviewing

Hiring 101: How Entrepreneurs Can Make Their Best Mistakes

When it comes to hiring, European entrepreneurs make mistakes no matter how experienced they are. Turning these mistakes into success drivers is what matters.

News and Trends

Hiring Trends in Startups in 2020

Here's how aware and qualified candidates are bringing more to the table than ever before

Starting a Business

How to Cultivate Employee Advocates and Brand Ambassadors to Attract Top Talent

When a company has a great reputation, they're talking the talk; when they have a reputable internal culture, they're walking the walk

Resumes & Interviewing

Six Ways to Find and Recruit Talent

Founders share the unusual ways they've found top employees.


What Work Should You Outsource?

Small businesses don't need a big team to make a big impact. Here's how to be strategic about what work gets outsourced.

Resumes & Interviewing

The 10 Unique Soft Skills Employers Desire in New Hires

Companies have a hard time finding candidates with communication skills, a positive attitude and the ability to work on a team.

Resumes & Interviewing

9 Questions to Ask Candidates' References

Job seekers aim to present themselves in the best light. But the very people they offer to validate their claims might point to other useful information.


For Struggling Startups, Retirees Are Coming to the Rescue

An increasing amount of founders are looking to folks who've been there and done that -- and benefitting from their hard-earned expertise.

Growth Strategies

Are You Capitalizing LinkedIn for Recruitment

Thanks to platforms like LinkedIn, the recruitment process is now more streamlined and simpler

Resumes & Interviewing

The 7 Best Ways to Find Hourly Workers For Your Business

Hiring hourly workers is a very different process than hiring white-collar workers.

Business News

5 Signs a Candidate Is Lying or Exaggerating

Every once in a while, you will find a bad actor who chooses to exaggerate or even flat-out lie about their experience in order to get the job they want.

News and Trends

Hire With Care! Your Employees Might Just be Feeding You False Information About Themselves (Infographic)

As per the First Advantage discrepancy report, 9.3 per cent employers end up hiring employees with a fraudulent background

Growth Strategies

Getting Your Resume Right is an Art. #5 Must Dos for Every Job Aspirant

Not a story, a job seeker needs to draft his career summary and skills to land that one life-changing opportunity