Texting: Page 2

Growth Strategies

Why Tech-savvy Millennials Should Text Less and Write More

Mental stimulation in the brain occurs when we write as opposed to when we type and hence there has been a radical shift in the nature of exchanging messages in the last few years


How to Use Business Text Messaging to Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs

A business text message, believe it or not, has a 98-percent-open rate.


12 Passive-Aggressive Phrases That Can Destroy Your Business

Maybe you think you're being polite, but everybody else thinks you're being a jerk.

Business News

Email Is Great But Face-to-Face Meetings Are 34 Times More Successful

If your goal is to communicate, talking is a lot better than typing.

Science & Technology

Ask the Etiquette Expert: 8 Rules for Texting at Work

An employee vexed by a co-worker's texting needs to politely speak up or back off.

Business News

10 Awesome New iPhone Emoji You Can Totally Use in Business

Make your texts stand out with these latest options from Apple.


Skip the Emojis: Your Small Business' Text-Messaging Campaign Should Be All About the Deals

Offer your best promotions and get to the point, already -- or customers will unsubscribe just as quickly as they opted in to receive your instant messages.


Here's Why SMS Marketing Is Literally the Best Idea Ever

Texts are quick and cheap, and always read by everyone.

Business News

Apple Proposes 5 New Emoji Professions

Everyone needs an artist emoji.

Social Media

5 Facts About Communication in the Workplace You Need to Know

Snail mail, email, text and messaging apps are all useful in business. Know who likes what method to be a successful communicator.


5 SMS Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Almost 100 percent of text messages are opened. Learn the rules of SMS marketing, and get started.


The 7 Things You Need to Know to Text With Good Etiquette

The venerable phone call has been supplanted by text messaging, which has introduced many new ways to be rude without meaning to.


3 Ways Messaging Will Transform Marketing

Messaging is about to transform marketing in ways you probably don't expect.


Does Allowing Texting at Movie Theaters Bring People In, or Drive Them Away?

AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron has now backtracked on a suggestion to make texting-friendly auditoriums available to moviegoers.