Buzzwords: Page 2

Business News

The 5 Biggest Buzzwords in Tech Right Now

Phrases like 'synergy' and 'big data' are on the way out. See what's taking their place.


We've Become So Obsessed With 'Innovation' That It's Now Meaningless

For most of us, we're simply trying to provide valuable products and solutions and make a little money doing it.

Thought Leaders

Are You an Entrepreneur? 4 Questions Will Help You Find Out.

These criteria separate entrepreneurs from small-business owners, and yes, there is a difference.

Thought Leaders

8 Buzzwords to Blacklist in Your Workplace

Not only are phrases like these overused and misused, they often communicate very little or nothing.


Are You Hiding Behind Squishy Words? Stop.

The words we use to describe the work we do should connote both promise and obligation.


From Bedtime to the Boardroom: Why Storytelling Matters in Business

These innovators are connecting with consumers, colleagues and investors on an emotional level.

Social Media

Want to Stand Out on LinkedIn? Consider Ditching These 10 Overused Buzzwords.

Do you describe yourself as 'motivated'? The professional networking site says you should probably motivate yourself to come up with a more unique description.

Social Media

Scrabble Updates Its Dictionary for the First Time in a Decade, Adding 5,000 Words

New admissions include words like 'texter,' 'funplex,' 'bromance' and 'selfie,' but Scrabble fanatics are most excited about the inclusion of four two-letter words.


We Have Lost Sight of the Real Meaning of Innovation

Various definitions of the word needlessly complicates what should be a simple mandate and increases pressure in the workplace.

Business Plans

Your Mission Statement May Be Utterly Useless or a Gold Mine

Make yours meaningful by defining goals and specific strategies for customers, the enterprise and owners. Or skip one if there's no business purpose for it.

Business News

Top Buzzwords in This Season's Earnings Reports

These three words continue to pop up in companies' earnings reports this quarter.

Social Media

The 10 Most Overused Buzzwords on LinkedIn (Infographic)

Want to stand out on LinkedIn? Avoid describing yourself as "responsible," "strategic," or "creative."

Science & Technology

From 'Phablet' to 'Selfie,' 12 New Tech Buzzwords Entrepreneurs Should Know

In the fast-paced world of tech, the last thing you want to do is fall behind on the latest terminology. Here's a rundown of what to know now.

Social Media

The 10 Most Overused Buzzwords on LinkedIn

Do you describe yourself as 'creative'? The professional networking site says you might want to come up with a more original description.