History: Page 5

Science & Technology

Check Out These Cool Artifacts from Big Tech's Recent Past

From Google's first server to the first book sold on Amazon, these artifacts show just how far we've come.

Business News

17 Incredible Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Apple

Apple is the most valuable company in the world -- and on Friday it officially turned 40 years old.

Business News

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Sweetly Describes How He Fell in Love With Tech in Fun Reddit Video

The Woz beams bright when he reminisces about the roots of his techie tendencies.


How George Washington Showed Leadership by Declining Authority

The true strength of the power leaders hold is often found when they stay their hands and don't wield it.

Growing a Business

Lessons From 3 Lesser-Known Presidents

What entrepreneurs can glean from William Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley.

Business News

Nostalgic for Old Viruses? The Malware Museum Has You Covered.

It's perfect if you have a hankering to relive the feeling of seeing '80s and '90s malware, but without the panic they might have caused at the time.

Science & Technology

At 83, Donald Rumsfeld Takes a Shot at App Development

The former secretary of state launched Churchill Solitaire, a mobile game he created in partnership with a team of developers, in a blog post on Sunday.


The Hard Truth: What Viagra Was Really Intended For

The original idea for Pfizer's famous little thrill pill has nothing to do with keeping it up.


Oops, IOU? How the World's First Modern Credit Card Was Invented.

The scrappy entrepreneur who created the credit card, as legend has it, might have experienced an embarrassing situation that led to inspiration.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

SpaceX Nails Historic Rocket Launch and Landing at Cape Canaveral

'Welcome back, baby!' Elon Musk's space startup epically rebounds after two failed attempts.


The Seriously Unsexy Origins of the Graham Cracker

The dry, plain crackers were invented to cool certain urges. You know the ones.

Thought Leaders

How an Industrial Oops Led This Gunk to Become a Stretchy Smash-Hit Toy

The surprising story of how Silly Putty accidentally sprang from a wartime dilemma.


The Greasy, Glamorous Rise of Mascara

You won't believe the grimy gunk people used to smear on their eyelashes -- and still do.

Science & Technology

Betamax Is Now Officially Gone, But These 5 Old Technologies Are Still Around

From Floppy disks to instant cameras, some people are just not ready to give up on outmoded technology


The Fasten-ating History of the Humble Zipper

In which we unzip the up-and-down origins of the little mechanical wonder that keeps your pants from falling down.