Why Life Is Too Short to Work Somewhere You Don't Care About Edreece Arghandiwal was planning to become a doctor when deaths in his family changed his perspective.
By Venturer
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On this episode, Entrepreneur Network partner Venturer spotlights founder and CEO of Jurni Inc. Edreece Arghandiwal, who tells his story of weighing traditional Afghan views on work and entrepreneurship, and how deaths in his family pushed him to pursue his passion.
His uncle, aunt and grandmother all died within the span of a few months, but Arghandiwal attributes the death of his grandmother as particularly important to his career decision.
He says, "The day before she passed, she said, 'Life is too short. I know you're not happy with what you're doing. Do what makes you happy, because tomorrow's not promised.'"
Watch the video to learn more.
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