Leadership Quotes: Page 3

Thought Leaders

5 Gandhi Quotes to Inspire Taking on Your Mission

Have courage and blaze a trail with advice from the history-making activist on the anniversary of his birth.


These 10 Peter Drucker Quotes May Change Your World

Millennials mired inside a traditional corporate environment and people living life inside lean startups will find his thinking particularly spot on.


7 Funny Quotes With Serious Leadership Lessons

When times get tough, it's important to see the humor in things. Every entrepreneur should know these bits of wisdom.

Making a Change

7 Motivational Quotes Entrepreneurs Need to Live By

There are times when a little motivation goes a long way. Anything worth doing is worth the work.


The 15 Ronald Reagan Quotes Every Business Leader Must Know

On the 10th anniversary of the Gipper's death, we present some of his best thoughts on American business.

Thought Leaders

5 Great Call-to-Action Film Quotes For Entrepreneurs

Sometimes going to a great movie can be a real kick of inspiration. Here are some film quotes to give you a kick in the pants.

Making a Change

10 Inspirational Quotes for the New School Year

Whether or not you are headed back to school, September is a time of renewal. Draw inspiration for a new chapter with these words of wisdom.


Life Advice From 18 of the Wealthiest People in History (Interactive Graphic)

Wise words from Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Elon Musk, Andrew Carnegie and other legendary leaders on success, attention, motivation, concentration, opportunity, failure and life.

Social Media

10 Twitter Feeds for a Timely Dose of Inspiration

If you're seeking a regular diet of inspirational messages, look no further than your Twitter app.

Thought Leaders

12 Powerfully Inspiring Quotes From Zig Ziglar

The famous salesman is gone, but the message to which he dedicated his life will continue tohave an impact.

Science & Technology

10 Inspiring Quotes from Women Tech Leaders

From newbies to serial entrepreneurs, these women are making their mark in successful businesses.