Reward Programs: Page 2

Business News

The Marketing Power of Rewards Programs

A rewards program can help you build customer loyalty, deepen engagement and serve as a marketing benefit you can tout to attract new customers.


These 3 Essentials Can Save You From Being Crushed by Ecommerce Giants

In the battle against retail Goliaths, smaller shops can inspire loyalty by building relationships that center on value, not price.


The Future Of Work: Risk And Reward In The Mobile Workplace

As the future goes increasingly mobile, it's predicted that mobile devices will continue to transform the American workplace.


Dear Uber: Reward Your Loyal Customers

I love the ride-sharing company, but it doesn't seem to love me back. So, don't be like Uber; acknowledge and reward your loyal customers.


How Is Technology Helping The Rewards Space

The e-revolution has given freedom to HR from administrative work to focus more on strategies to support the company business

Business News

For Frequent Fliers, Using Miles Is Getting Easier

According to the latest Switchfly Reward Seat Availability Survey of more than 7,000 domestic and international flights that are scheduled from June through October, 76.6 percent offer reward seats.

Social Media

How This Indian Bug-Bounty Hunter Hacked 1.6 Billion Facebook Accounts

In exchange for not misusing the exploit and directly reporting it to Facebook, Zuckerberg's team rewarded him 10.5 lac rupees!

Growing a Business

3 Steps to Get Prospects Coming Back to Your Website

It takes seven to 13 interactions with a potential customer to deliver a sales-ready lead. Here a few ways to keep engagement high.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Spend Zero on Recruiting and Still Hire the Best Candidates

Companies don't have to spend huge sums of money on hiring the right people. Here's how to build a culture that will do the recruiting for you.


Why Airline Loyalty May No Longer Pay Off

Reward programs have been eroding over the last 10 years as airlines shift their devotion to cold, hard, calculable dollars.


How Rewards Are Running Loyalty Programs Into the Ground

Businesses should tweak their plans to inject a more human focus rather than emphasizing steep spending or quick expirations.


How to Go 'Cha-Ching' With an Affiliate Program

When budgets are lean and resources tight, consider turning to an affiliate program to increase sales.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Reward Better: New Programs Let You Recognize Employees in Real Time

End-of-year fruit basket? Company coffee cup? Shelve old-school gifts next to the rolodexes and update your recognition program with LinkedIn badges or an array of online gift cards.

Money & Finance

Best Credit Cards for Small-Business Owners in 2013

After reviewing more than 1,000 credit cards, credit-card comparison website releases an analysis of which credit cards are best for entrepreneurs and why.


Create Card-Free Rewards Programs with Apps

Cardboard punch cards and laminated key-ring tags are so last year. These apps can help you put your rewards program on smartphones.