Stress: Page 3

Thought Leaders

Feeling Burned Out? Maybe You're Not Being Selfish Enough With Your Time

Feeling burned out isn't just for founders who work absurdly long hours. It can also happen to other company leaders and managers whose attention and energy get pulled in every direction.

Business News

Man Wins $450,000 Lawsuit After Office Birthday Party Triggered Panic Attack

A Kentucky court's judgment creates new precedent in conversations around workplace wellbeing.

Women Entrepreneur™

The Friends Therapy

jumpingMinds is on a mission of spreading one billion-plus smiles and making mental health easily accessible.


Stop Doing These 3 Habits to Feel Happier at Work

These three common habits could be contributing to your unhappiness.

Health & Wellness

I Found a Simple Way to De-stress During the Busiest Workdays: Rhythm Therapy

With Lyric, you can relax and refocus in just three minutes.


This Controversial Personality Trait Can Help You Avoid a Business Crisis

Greatest strengths often walk hand in hand with greatest weaknesses; learn how best to synergize.


You Don't Have to Quit Your Job to Combat Burnout

Burnout comes with a host of physiological, psychological and social consequences.


3 Ways to Help Employees Combat Burnout and Create More Balance

Work-life balance. Three words. Multiple meanings. It's about giving employees the tools and support to create balance.

Thought Leaders

The 4 Biggest Problems Causing Entrepreneurs Unnecessary Stress

This article discusses four major sources of stress in an entrepreneur's life that can be easily let go, freeing up the time and energy needed to focus on the problems that matter and that they were meant to solve.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Leaders Can Fight Burnout Culture

Here's how we can stand up against burnout culture.

Thought Leaders

How to Make Pressure Work for You

In moderation and with the right tools, a little pressure doesn't hurt. Here's why pressure can actually make you more productive.


4 Things You Can Do Right Now If You Are Feeling Anxious

Here are some quick things you can do when you are feeling anxious.


5 Simple Steps to Never Getting Burned Out Again (#5 Will Change Your Life)

I actually listened to my mentor's advice and stopped wearing burnout as a badge of honor.


4 Ways to Help Employees With Their Mental Health and Emotional Needs as You Reopen Offices

Leaders reopening offices need to be prepared to confront workers' stress and grief.


4 Hidden Signs of Utter Exhaustion for Entrepreneurs

Understand the difference between passion and exhaustion.