Twitter Marketing: Page 5

Business News

How Marketers Should Approach the New Twitter

Brands and businesses need to be ready to roll with new changes as soon as Twitter's development team rolls them out.

Business News

Blizzard, You Say? These 5 Companies Used the Social-Media Hype to Their Advantage.

With the snow storm come and gone, here's how some big brands capitalized on the weather.

Social Media

8 Social-Media Sins That Are Sure to Get You Unfriended and Unfollowed

How to avoid being "that guy" on social media.

Social Media

Increase Retweets and Improve Engagement on Twitter With These 12 Tips (Infographic)

Twitter is a great marketing platform, but simply firing off tweets isn't going to necessarily translate into leads and sales.

Business News

Get More Followers and Increase Engagement With These 7 Twitter Tips

Some of these may seem counterintuitive to your idea of Twitter greatness, but they are for real.

Social Media

Twitter Is Selling Ad Space in Your Following List

Don't worry, you didn't accidentally follow MasterCard. They just paid Twitter to be featured on your Following list.

Social Media

A Quick Guide to Mastering Twitter for Business

Critical tips to help you maximize your 140-character interactions.

Social Media

The 5 Worst Twitter Marketing Fails of 2014

#Fiasco. Some brands excel at tucking their tails between their tweets. Here's a naughty list of the ugliest Twitter marketing disasters this year and the important lessons you can learn from them.

Social Media

5 Tips to Get Active on Twitter and Reach Your Brand's Audience

Twitter is an insanely popular micro-blogging platform with an incredible reach of people you may want to know.

Business News

3 Data-Backed Twitter Strategies for More Followers, Better Tweets and Maximum Engagement

I love Twitter? Do you? Here's how to do it better.

Social Media

Did Best Buy's Tweet About 'Serial' Go Too Far? Or Was It Funny?

The big-box electronics store apologized for a joke it made on Twitter about an uber-popular podcast that chronicles the investigation of a real-life murder.

Business News

How to Use Twitter Analytics to Help You Tweet Better

Here are 15 easy-to-find stats that can get your Twitter marketing on the right track.

Social Media

5 Ways to Leverage Your Social-Media Following to Close Sales

Once you've done the work to build a following, it only takes imagination to dream up new ways to capitalize.

Social Media

#HashtagFails? 5 Tips That Will Change Your Fortune

Master use of this key identifier on social media channels and realize business results.

Social Media

The New England Patriots Twitter Fiasco Was Wrong for So Many Reasons

The team's recent social-media disaster was more than just a fumble. And the apology was just as bad.