Holiday Hub: Page 2


5 Reputation Missteps to Avoid During the Holidays

Between the rauckus company party and who you forgot to send a card, the holidays are a surprisingly treacherous time for your personal brand.

Business News

The Office Holiday Party Is Back, and That's a Good Sign for the Economy

Nine out of 10 companies plan to throw holiday parties in 2014, a survey shows, up from previous years.

Thought Leaders

Holiday Shopping for an Entrepreneur? Follow These Do's and Don'ts

Don't waste your money or effort on gifts that will only frustrate your entrepreneur.

Business News

Pop-Up Shops Prep for Winter Sales Lift

It's that time of year (again).

Business Ideas

How Retailers Can Compete With Amazon This Holiday Season, and Beyond

While many purchases are still made online, consumers still appreciate their local shops and the ability to discover items.

Growing a Business

5 Strategies to Triumph in Customer Support Over the Holiday Season

Thousands of new orders can strain the response to inquiries. Deflect challenging situations and demanding callers by planning ahead.


Maximize the Impact of Your Business Greeting Cards With These 4 Tips

Tis the season. Take these extra steps to demonstrate your appreciation while also creating a unique experience that promotes your business.


5 Steps to Working a Holiday Party Like Santa

Don't worry about whatever work you left undone to race out to the event. You're about to ace this networking opportunity -- that is, if you read these jolly tips.

Growing a Business

5 Customer Service Tips to Avoid Scrooge-Like Behavior

This time of year means more business, which also means more frustrated customers.


5 Moves Small Retailers Must Make to Compete With Big Box Stores

Local stores have more than one slingshot to use in their never-ending David vs. Goliath competition with national chains.

Growing a Business

Not Just for Grandma: 6 Tips for an Unforgettable Company Holiday Card

Help your business stand out with a little fun and creativity.

Business Ideas

Re-Create the Magic of Manhattan's Holiday Windows: 5 Design Secrets for Small Retailers.

Visual merchandisers of New York powerhouse stores reveal their marketing strategies.

Business Ideas

Will Fewer Customers Be Shopping on Cyber Monday This Year?

In a report, the National Retail Federation says it expects fewer people will take advantage of Cyber Monday's digital deals.

Business News

The Content Marketer's Guide To Black Friday

With Thanksgiving and the holiday shopping season quickly approaching, retailers and marketers must establish a game plan for arguably the two biggest shopping days of the year.


5 Tactics to Get Digitally Prepared for Black Friday Weekend

Regardless of where you sell your goods or services primarily, a little advanced digital preparation can help you take advantage of "Windfall Weekend."