Product Reviews: Page 4


My Experience With This Odd-Looking Umbrella Replacement in New York City

The Nubrella may just be the solution to a problem that we all deal with: the rain.


We Got Buzzed Up With These Caffeinated Gummy Cubes. Here's What We Thought.

Go Cubes are soft, square gummies made with condensed cold-brewed coffee. But are they as tasty and potent as the fresh stuff?

Business News

My Week With the Bracelet That Shocks You Awake

A reporter tried to abuse herself to become a morning person.


Get Your Smartphone To Run Your Bike

A vehicle that provides users with multiple modes of riding.

Health & Wellness

We Gave a Drink Designed to Help You Relax to Our Stressed-Out Staff. Here's What We Thought.

Just Chill is a sparking beverage that has the same active ingredient as one found in green tea.

Business News

Legal Tips for Using Customer Testimonials

While testimonials build customer trust, create goodwill for your product and show potential customers a positive brand history, there are some things you need to watch out for when using them.

Growing a Business

6 Reasons Why Amazon Product Reviews Matter to Merchants

How buyers and sellers alike benefit from the company's legendary online reviews.


You Don't Have to Be Patti LaBelle to Score a Viral Product Review Video

James Wright Chanel's hilarious YouTube review of Patti LaBelle's Sweet Potato Pies caused a sell-out of the product at Walmart. Here's how it could happen to you.

Growing a Business

The Loudest Consumers Don't Always Represent the Majority

Almost every company has its critics, and now they have access to social media and comment sections.

Growing a Business

6 Steps to Control Your Merchant Reputation on Amazon

Staying on top of feedback should be a top priority when dealing with the online retailer.


Consumers View 5-Star Reviews as Too Good to Be True

Northwestern University's Spiegel Research Center analyzed how user reviews affect consumer purchasing decisions, and what they found may surprise you.

Business News

Amazon Is Overhauling Its Reviews System to Make It Much More Useful

The e-retailing giant's reviews system can have a big impact on buying decisions, but it's not as accurate as it could be.

Business News

Amazon Sues Alleged Sellers of Bogus 5-Star Product Reviews

Beware peddlers of lies. The ecommerce goliath is dropping the legal hammer on four sites it claims hawk fake positive product reviews.

Business News

Here's What People Are Saying About the Apple Watch

With consumers able to order the Apple Watch starting this Friday, we wanted to know what reviewers had to say about the company's latest offering.

Growing a Business

Ask These 7 Questions to Get the Honest Feedback You Need

Friends and colleagues will be politely reluctant to tell you your product has problems, unless you ask in a way that makes it safe to be honest.