Discounting: Page 4


3 Ways to Make Online Sales More Enticing

With everyone offering discounts and deals around the same time of year, it's hard to stand out. Here are three ways to differentiate yourself from the competition online.

Business News

The Danger of Discounts and How to Avoid Them

In starting up, tech talent can be hard to find. But what about a grade-A sales force? Consider these words of caution.


Bargain Hunting: 7 to Follow

Check out these Twitter feeds for daily discounts and frugal living tips.

Money & Finance

Four Questions to Ask Before Setting a Price

Before you figure out your pricing, figure out your business.

Money & Finance

How to Survive a Price War

Companies don't win a price war. They survive it. Strategize ahead of time how you will respond to competitor price changes.

Money & Finance

How to Compete -- and Win -- When Rivals Cut Prices

Discounting can be your ticket to disaster. Add value instead, and watch your business thrive.


How to Use Mobile to Reach Holiday Bargain Hunters

Small businesses can fight the promotion clutter by using texts, apps, QR codes and other mobile marketing tactics.


Will Black Friday and Cyber Monday Lead to a Big Payday?

Early reports show that the big holiday weekend was actually big this year, but consumers are looking for deals. Will retailers still be able to turn a profit?


How to Stop Losing Money From Coupons

Four tips to save your business from extreme couponing practices.


CouponTrade Can Help Attract Customers Through Unused Deals

A new online marketplace can help companies sitting out the discount game pull in new customers through unused deals from other businesses.

Money & Finance

Why You Don't Want to Be the Low-Cost Leader

Before you decide to price your products lower than the competition, let us talk you out of it.

Thought Leaders's Ben Federman and the Value of a Daily Steal

This 28-year-old Brooklynite built a successful business around the concept of loss leaders. Part of our annual Young Millionaires report.


The Dark Side of Discounts

Why sales and discounts can cause damage and how to offer breaks without devaluing your products.