Product Testing: Page 2


How to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Project

Give yourself time to fully explore your idea and your audience.


3 Tips to Declutter Your Product Offerings

Let simplicity reign. Very complicated products can confuse customers and kill sales.

Starting a Business

Starting Up Wrong: 6 Product Testing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Before creating your process for testing your business or app idea, you need to know what mistakes to avoid.

Starting a Business

Test These 3 Feedback Strategies Before You Launch Your Startup

If you don't validate your business idea with potential customers, you can't know if you're really offering them what they want or need.

Starting a Business

4 Ways to Decide Whether You Should Pursue Your Startup Idea

Is your brilliant startup idea really that brilliant? Test it, and find out for sure.

Business News

'Hyperloop' Sled Speeds Through U.S. Desert Via Electromagnets

Brogan BamBrogan, a former SpaceX engineer who co-founded Hyperloop One, called the test a major milestone.


Call to Action: The X-Factor in Spurring Conversion Rate

No longer make the best guess at what will resonate with & convert customers; you can test your way to real-time, actionable results


We Got Buzzed Up With These Caffeinated Gummy Cubes. Here's What We Thought.

Go Cubes are soft, square gummies made with condensed cold-brewed coffee. But are they as tasty and potent as the fresh stuff?

Business Ideas

How to Find Real Customers for Your Startup

Tips for mastering the tricky first step of turning your idea into a viable business.

Business Ideas

How to Get Your Ideas to Market Quickly and Painlessly

Building an Internet business is a long, slow process but getting started doesn't have to be.

Starting a Business

Your MVP Isn't Really Viable Until Your Potential Customers Say So

More than 40 percent of startups fail simply because nobody in the real world was interested in buying what the founder thought was a good idea.

Starting a Business

There's No Excuse for Making Any of These 7 Fatal Startup Errors

There are so many surprises that could kill your startup that it's a shame to fail making obvious mistakes.


Tips on outsourcing usability testing tools

Enterprises testing services – User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to evaluate the viability of web and mobile platforms for business purposes


Why the Most American Fast-Food Chain Is Using Australia as Its Testing Ground

Australia is succeeding with a 'very un-McDonald's' approach to fast food.